Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wildlife Restoration: Preserving Your Most Cherished Family Tradition

     The fine folks at Wildlife Restoration have launched a tradition-rooted ad campaign in an effort to raise awareness and support for their proposals of raising tax rates and establishing tariffs in an effort to promote conservationism throughout the United States.  Beginning with a "familial" scene of grandfather and grandson bonding through their shared interest in hunting, the author continues throughout the advertisement to speak to the subconscious "American Values" of the reader.  The text references "receipt" and "contract" showing that the purchase of firearms and their accessories is really an investment "to preserve and protect our wildlife and environment."  The ad continues by recounting generic "rejuvenation success stories" and the claim that hunters are "the most influential conservationist in the world today."  The ad concludes with the repeated use of the personal pronoun "I" in an effort to personalize the ad.  Also, the use of "Don Campbell", of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation attempts to lend credibility to their position. The use of grand vocabulary and the traditional cabin scene have a disarming (no pun intended) effect upon the reader and establish a willingness to read further.  The use of success stories and the application of the term conservationist to a hunter serve to cause the reader to re-think previously held positions.  Finally, the use of an actual name and the pronoun "I" serve to individualize the argument, perhaps because the author believes that it is only at the individual level  that his fight will be won.  Sadly, the author gives precious little information as to the need for a tax rate change and details of its actual effect.


  1. What a beautiful animal............let's shoot it!

  2. King Rader has once again surpassed all expectations! Well done team Rader!!!!!!

  3. I am not sure what goods or services would experience tax increases: guns? hunting/fishing licenses? everything?

  4. Strangely, the ad was somewhat silent on the issue other than stating " "an extra 10% tax with every firearm and ammunition purchase" and "license fees and special excise taxes."
